How to beat halitosis

First things first, you need to know the origin of halitosis. There might be something wrong with digestive or respiratory apparatus; some problems with teeth and gums may also cause this.

We recommend you to consult your dentist after undergoing a full-body diagnosis to get advice on how to deal with this situation. Just a couple of general rules:

– Look after your oral cavity with care and precision. Find a good dentist and don’t neglect his advice on how to brush your teeth or how to use a water-pic

– Undergo a professional tooth cleaning at least two times a year. It helps to prevent the formation of dental tartar from debris. It also allows to detect caries and treat it.

– Don’t forget to brush not only teeth but your tong as well

– Eat properly! Consult a dietarian and a dentist to develop a special ration to get rid of bad breath, better the state of your gums and strengthen enamel. It also lowers the odds of getting caries.

There is a list of food products that can help with your problem:

❖ Green tea is a natural antioxidant. It’s one of the most effective products on the path leading to fresh breath. The scientists say only the tooth-paste surpasses tea in the level of its positive influence.

❖ Fresh crispy vegetables are natural tooth-brushes. While chewing you get rid of tiny pieces of food and soft debris. Moreover, they supply your body with useful trace nutrients

❖ Apples contain polyphenol component that disrupts Sulphur species

❖ Cinnamon contains an essential oil which kills smell-spreading bacteria

❖ Huge quantities of water prevent dry mouth and sustain acid-base balance there.

❖ Herbs: parsley, mint, basil, cardamom, eucalyptus. It’s best to chew them or it’s also possible to brew them as tea. Eat more greens in case you smoke because it neutralizes the smell of tobacco.

❖ Citrus, food additives with vitamin C. It’s no secret that this all-time favorite strengthens the immune system and fights harmful bacteria that causes bad breath and inflammatory processes. Besides, the vitamin C improves the state of the gums and prevents the development of gingivitis (inflammation and bleeding of gums)

❖ Chewing gum stimulates salivation and hence helps to clean away soft dental debris and to sustain the integrity of your teeth. Use the gum without sugar. Sugar is the best environment for bacteria development which results in halitosis.

Xylite and sorbit are sugar substitutes. They subside the proportions of debris on your teeth and maintain the health of the oral cavity.

❖ Essential oils are great natural disinfectors for the oral cavity. It’s best to take them on an empty stomach: add few drops to tepid water, keep it in the mouth for a couple of minutes, spit and brush your teeth with toothpaste

❖ Ginger root (If you don’t have problems with digestive organs). Brew it or eat raw.

❖ In case of maxillitis we recommend you chamomile or sage tea to freshen up your breath.

We wish you good luck and even better health!