We live in the future!
High-quality ceramic crowns and veneers, produced and set in, under two-hours time! Is this even possible? In Dental Family Bushin Clinic – undoubtedly, yes! We don’t just sit idly: we keep introducing the latest technologies in our clinic. This time we acquired the complex Sirona Cerec AC Omnicam system. It makes the process of making dental crowns, veneers and fillers faster, more comfortable (for both the patient and the doctor), more accurate and effective.
Equipment and materials
Cerec AC omnicam system consists of several elements: high-tech 3D-scanner for creating coloured digital images; specific computer software for building up the most accurate model of the future prosthesis (crown, filler or veneer); the milling and grinding unit programmed to fashion the workpiece into the ceramic prosthesis.
The Cerec systems use high-strength glass-ceramic substance for producing dental crowns and veneers. It looks like natural dental enamel which makes it possible to make crowns even for the front teeth. The colour range of ceramic dental prostheses is very wide: you can always choose the right hue for the crown so it will not stand out among patient’s natural teeth.
The process of producing and setting Cerec prosthetics
The whole process from x-ray to the setting of the crown (veneer, filler) takes no more than two hours.
- After consultation and inspection, our specialist takes 3D-scans of the chosen teeth using Cerec AC Omnicam. Watch video
The scans are processed by the software then. It enables the specialist to model the accurate prosthesis and to do it fast. The created model has all the anatomical features of the patient’s teeth. The optimal shape, size and colour are picked for the crown or the veneer. - After the 3D-model is complete, the milling and grinding unit comes in; the ceramic workpiece is set inside the machine to be fashioned into the prosthesis in 10-20 minutes time. Watch video
- The last step is to set in and to fixate the newly made prosthesis.
The advantages of Cerec prosthetic technologies
There are a lot of advantages of using Sirona Cerec AC Omnicam for denture restoration:
- Tooth Restoration in one visit to dentist.
- There is no need in provisionalization as the whole prosthetics process takes only a couple of hours.
- Teeth and gums tissue scan completed without using powder and without making dental cast makes the whole procedure go faster and more pleasant for the patient.
- The high accuracy, perfect shape and optimal colour of the denture (crown, veneer) are achieved due to the use of high-tech equipment and software.
- Cerec uses the highest quality workpieces to make the dental prostheses. They are very strong and durable,
they can last 15-20 years. They don’t fade or lose their aesthetic qualities through this whole period; Also they are non-allergic and human body doesn’t reject them. The material conducts light which makes the prostheses almost indistinguishable from natural teeth.
When the use of Cerec prosthetics is recommended
- Enamel defects (dental abrasion, teeth darkening, dental fluorosis etc).
- Imperfect, asymmetric shape and/or unpleasant colour of teeth (for example, yellowish hue).
- The necessity of restoring the integrity of the denture.
- More than 50% damage to the dental crown.
- Aesthetic restoration of front teeth. The smile should be radiant!
- Diastem ( the wide gap between teeth) It often gets in a way of adequate functioning of the denture and can also affect the patient’s appearance in a negative way.
- Cracks, chips and other forms of damage to teeth.
Contraindications to the usage of crowns and veneers made with Cerec technology are no different from contraindications to any similar dental prosthetics. The experts don’t recommend the use of prosthetics in the following cases:
- During pregnancy
- With some pre-existing conditions
- During virulent forms of diseases of the oral cavity.
Important: the decision on whether to set any type of the prosthetics, can be made only after careful inspection by a qualified doctor and all necessary analyses.
Some info to think over
Not all dentist clinics are equipped with such progressive prosthetics system as Sirona Cerec AC Omnicam. Moreover, not every clinic can offer you a specialist equipped with specific knowledge, skills and certificates that fully enables them to skillfully use all the innovative machinery and software to produce and set in Cerec prostheses.
In Dental Family Bushin Clinic in Campoamor (Alicante, Spain) we offer the most innovative and effective methods of treatment and prosthetics to our patients. One of such methods implies crowns and veneers produced individually and set in with the use of Cerec technology during only one visit to a dentist! Our dentists have all the necessary certificates and skills to work with the latest technologies!
Book a consultation and we’ll make your smile brilliant and captivating!